Monday, July 19, 2010

what I did this weekend...

This book landed on my doorstep on Friday afternoon and I started working immediately on a project from it.

At first, I thought I might make the super cute sheets with the phrase "Count Your Blessings" across the top. You know I love that!

But there was another project that I just couldn't put off...illustrations from "Booky", one of Alfredo's very favorite and first books. (The book is now out of print, but you can get it from Amazon used here.)

I am so excited about how they turned out.

Eeeek! Can you stand it! So cute! I kept holding them up and saying "Look how cute this is!" even if I was the only one in the room.

Alfredo had so much fun knowing I was making them for him, telling me which one to do next, running his fingers over the stitches.

I did "Bunny" first...

Isn't she adorable? Mary tells in the book about how to use markers to color in the design, which is so cool. But it just so happens that a friend is working on a project for the rebirth of Inspired Ideas with a trick for filling in. I can't wait to show you but for now I'll have to tease you with these results...I want it to be a surprise.

"Puppy" was favorite part was the basketweave I decided to do for his hat...isn't that fun?

And my favorite was the one I just finished...

I love how the pom-pom on his hat turned out...and the stripes on his sailor collar! 

There's one more in the book..."Kitty". I am going to start on her right away and hope to have her done by tomorrow morning. 

And then I have an idea. I'm going to try to do one in the same style to look like Alfredo. At the end of the book after all these fun animals that end in the "y" sound, is BABY and it was always his favorite part. I hope I can pull it off because it will make this project even more special for him.

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