Friday, July 16, 2010

hooded towel

When I saw the hooded towel tutorial over at The DIY Dish, it looked so easy I decided to give it a try. It's a bath towel and half a hand towel. I don't sew but it took me just 15 minutes and I'm just so proud of it.

I think I'll embellish the next one...maybe add shark teeth and a fin on the hood.

And I think these would make great gifts for children of all ages. Don't you think? These stripey towels are from Target and are super cheap...Something like $3.50 for the bath towel and $2.50 for the hand towel. Next time, I'll cut the hand towel just a bit smaller than in half since he's so small.

I took these pictures after bathtime last night and he just kept wiggling and giggling. Then he screamed out "I gotta go peeee-peeeeeeeeee!"

We made it just in time. Whew.

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