Thursday, July 22, 2010


I had so much fun making these!

The book that these are from means so much to us. I remember those first weeks when Alfredo first came to us this book and its companion, Lovey Dovey, were his favorites. He would examine each picture so carefully, pointing out the same details each time. Watching him interact with these books was my first peek into what an incredibly special boy he is. 

So when I saw on Mary Engelbreit's blog that she had a pattern for them in her new book, I couldn't wait to get started. 

And I added one more to make it even more special to us...

I think it looks just like him at about 18 months. 

I have a couple more stitching projects up my sleeve, both courtesy of Charlotte. In fact, as I was working on finishing up these, Alfredo said "But where's my turtle?"

Speaking of Alfredo, would you like to take a peek into our life this morning...

He is so proud of these dinosaurs (from the dollar spot at Michael's).

The Parasaurolophus (which he pronounces better than anyone without hesitation) is his very favorite dinosaur.

And just so that you can appreciate how hard it can be to take pictures of stuff to show you...

p.s. Today's the last day to try for the beautiful quilt Crystal made...and maybe it's your lucky click here and buy a net.

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