Friday, July 16, 2010

egg carton swap

I participated in a fun swap hosted by sweet Sandy. The idea was to decorate and fill an egg carton...isn't that fun?

My swap partner is Sheila and we had the best time making these egg cartons for each other!

Want to see what I sent her?

I decoupaged the top with book pages and vintage wallpaper, added some flowers and a velvet bow and then I sugarcoated it with glitter.

The pictures I took showing the inside, with everything tucked in, didn't turn out. But here are some of the things I included...

These little chicks from Jennifer Murphy's line of reproductions (now retired) are so cute...
I just fixed them up a bit with new hats. 

This is a simple little thing but I really like it. I just kept winding baker's twine until I made a fat little looked so cute nestled in the egg cup of the carton!

I made this little spool for her too. You can see more of what I sent on Sheila's blog.

Now do you want to see how lucky I am? Here's what I got from Sheila...

 Isn't it so happy?

Filled to the brim with fun trimmings and things...

My favorite is this sundae filled with lip gloss...cute!

and flowers...

and fun trim...

and a sea of buttons and jewels!

What a wonderful gift. Lucky me.

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