Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hello, 2011!

What gifts will I unwrap this year? 
 What gifts will I give? 

What will I learn about love in 2011?
What will I teach?

How will I be tested?
Will I emerge stronger? 

I pray my eyes will be open to all the new & wondrous things this year offers.
I pray my heart will be tuned to the truth. 

I pray that with each day I will grow into someone better, happier, worthier of God's great love & grace.

And, when I fail,
in small and big ways,
may I feel the hands of God in my life
may I find the way back to the path of my life, and 
May I always be open to His will. 

{the year I turn 40}
bring it on.

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