Wednesday, January 26, 2011

catching up

Okay, so I didn't mean to slip out the back door like that. First was Alfredo's birthday party and then before we knew it we were on a plane to California. And then the red-eye back home.

So, let's see if we can do a little catch up...

Alfredo's birthday party was so much fun. We did the party at his Little Gym and it was the best decision ever. The team kept him and everyone else well entertained. This was my favorite part...

They put him smack in the middle of the giant parachute and everyone spun it around while they sang "Happy Birthday" and then they shook it. He had the biggest smile on his face the whole time and it was so touching to me that I had to fight back the tears. It was just magical.

After playing in the gym for an hour, we had cupcakes and treats...

Remember those lollipops? We also made tiny dinosaurs for the cupcakes and big ones for the plate. It was a bit of overkill but we were having so much fun making them that it was hard to stop. (The chocolate molds are from here)

It was a really great day.

Then we were off to California. Alfredo spent a lot of time with his family and it was wonderful. He really misses his papa.

I did quite a bit of work on the next issue. I can't wait for you to see...seriously! But we took a break on Friday to go on an excursion. The weather was a perfect 70 degrees, sunny and beautiful. We drove to Bodega Bay, where the film The Birds was filmed.

With birds on our minds when we saw this weird bird sunning himself on a fence post, we just had to take a picture...

So imagine me with the window of the car just cracked enough to take this picture because I'm actually a bit freaked out...and then just after I snapped the picture, another huge bird flew in and landed on the post beside him. Oh boy, did I freak out. These birds were less than 10 feet away from our car. I was so freaked out that when we got to Bodega Bay I couldn't make myself get out of the car. It's so silly but I seriously thought these birds were going to "get me"! Rich and I laughed ourselves silly.

I finally talked myself out the car and had no problems at all with any flying creatures. But just looking at that freaky bird gets me all over again.

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