Thursday, March 4, 2010

brief encounter

My friend Lorraine was telling me a story the other day and mentioned one of her favorite films, Brief Encounter. When I told her I hadn't seen it she said I must. And I listen to everything my friend Lorraine tells me that I must do. I really do. And she's never wrong.

So, as luck would have it, guess what... Brief Encounter was just added as a View Instantly movie on Netflix. Isn't that wonderful? I wasn't able to watch it uninterrupted (I was a bit optimistic to think I could) but if you can, you should. Watch it uninterrupted while sipping tea. It will be a lovely sentimental British trip through time. As my friend Lorraine advised (a little too late for me) "You must watch it uninterrupted. No phone calls, no one calling your name, you have to let the momentum build. Any time you have to stop the movie will detract from the climax...."

Some naptime in the future, I will watch it again.  And pretend it's the first time.

Other really wonderful Lorraine suggestions: The Staircase and Mad Men. I'm knee-deep in Mad Men, getting caught up before Season 4 starts on my birthday!

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