Sunday, March 21, 2010

39 today

Thirty nine years ago today, my parents had their third little girl. I was born on the doctor's birthday. And I was born on my mother's mother's birthday. March 21, 1971.

My mother's water broke while she was getting ready for church Saturday night. My sister Jessica was running behind her and slipped in the water. My mother had baked a cake for her mother's birthday but hadn't frosted it yet. On the way to the hospital my mother said "I hope this baby will wait to be born on my mother's birthday" and my father said "I hope this baby will wait to be born in the hospital!"

Those are the stories I've been told all my life. Stories I always imagined forecasted the wonderful life I was destined to lead. It seemed like a magical gift to be born on my grandmother's birthday. On the first full day of Spring. Into a loving home where I would be cherished all my life.

I go into this year the happiest I've ever been. Full of joy and love and gratitude.

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