Saturday, February 12, 2011

inspired ideas Q & A

Q  How do I buy the magazine?
A  Click this link: Subscribe and click the buy now button. (Thank you!)

Q  I purchased the magazine, now what?
A  When you buy the magazine, you should be directed to your private link, created just for you. Please be sure to bookmark this page for future access.

Also, a message with the link will be sent to the email associated with your PayPal account. You should save that email.

There are some circumstances when you won't be directed to your private link from your PayPal purchase (for instance, if you used a credit card to pay instead of PayPal). However you should still receive the email immediately. If you don't receive the email or the link, just send an email (amy (at)

Q  Can I share my link to the magazine with my friends?
A  Your link was created especially and exclusively for you. Please don't share it. Instead, won't you please encourage your friends to buy their own copy? That would be lovely.

Q  Can you send my link again? I lost it. (or I never got it)
A  Please send me an email (amy (at) and I'll send you an email with your private link as soon as I can. 

Q  I can't find the patterns and templates.
A  There is a link for the appendix at the end of the magazine (it's a page with a nest and egg on it).

Q Why can't I view the magazine on my iPad?
A The software that creates the magazine uses Flash which is not supported on an iPad. 

Q How can I add a preview of the magazine to my sidebar?
A Go to:  and change the size settings to width: 200, height: 150. And thank you!

Q How can I buy previous issues?
A The two previous issues, Christmas and Autumn, are still free. You can access them here:

Q Why aren't you charging more for this issue?
A $3.30 isn't much, even in this tough economy. It's about the same as one tall latte, right? I would like for my magazine to reach many, many people and spread the inspiration out as far as possible. That's my definition for success for the magazine. 

Q Will you be offering a print version of the magazine?
A I'm working on it but it will be expensive. Please believe me, I'm not being greedy. I'm using MagCloud. They charge .20 per page and my mark up is just $3.30, the same as the cost for the digital issue. This option should be available in about 2 weeks. 

Q  How do I submit an idea for the magazine?
A The next issue is the birthday issue...all about great birthday ideas from gifts to decorations. This is not so much about kids' birthdays, as much as we love them. This is about celebrating our own personal holidays with style. Think birthday crowns and cupcake toppers and pennant banners! Let's put the "happy" back in birthday! Got an idea? Send the specific idea with photos to amy (at) before March 1 for consideration.

I just want to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who have purchased the magazine. It makes me so happy to share it with you. I hope it is as full of inspiration for you as I envisioned.

If you bought it and you do love it, will you shout it from the rooftops? I would love for the inspiration to spread even further!

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