Tuesday, February 22, 2011

hard copy giveaway!

How would you like to WIN a hard copy of the Spring issue of Inspired Ideas?

Here's what you need to do to qualify:
  1. Buy the digital version (if you haven't already...it's just $3.30!)
  2. Blog about your favorite project in the magazine (you can use the page-spread images found here: http://inspiredideasmag.blogspot.com Simply find the project in the list of contents and click to see that project's page. Right click the image to save it and you can now add it to your own blog post.)
  3. Provide this link for your readers to subscribe: http://www.amy-powers.com/spring2011/subscribe.html
  4. Comment below (be sure to include your blog's address!)
Contest ends on Friday, February 25 at 10 AM EST. Open to all bloggers, including internationals! You must fulfill all 4 requirements to enter and win the drawing.

Good Luck!

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