Tuesday, November 16, 2010

treat yourself...

I got back Sunday from Silver Bella (the very best yet...review to come!) feeling a bit sluggish. I blamed it on the late nights and early rises. But when I awoke on Monday with a throat on fire and a fever, I knew it was more than that.

Luckily there was nothing urgent on my list of junk to do. Alfredo and I have spent the last two days with me cuddled up on the sofa and him playing doctor.

And if that's not medicine enough, I had the most delicious magazine to pore over, memorize and devour...

You must treat yourself to the same. You will love it. I promise. It will spill your inspiration cup over with exciting ideas for the holiday.

Here's my very favorite thing in the whole magazine...

 Can you stand it?
I want to move right in...I really do. Fruit Stripes for the roof? Pez candy bricks for the chimney? Candy necklace gutters? I feel faint.

So for those of you who said you missed holding magazines in your hands, may I suggest that you get yourself a copy of this beautiful magazine, printed exquisitely on the most lovely paper.

When I can gather enough pictures from my friends (I took none...gasp!) I will fill you in on just how wonderful Silver Bella was.

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