Thursday, November 18, 2010

Silver Bella

Surely by now, you've read how fabulous this year's Silver Bella was, haven't you?

Here I am hamming it up with my roommate Danielle. Aren't these photo props fun? I tried on the red lips as a joke but when I saw how great I looked with 'em, you couldn't pry them out of my hands. I'm going to start wearing the reddest lipstick. You'll see...

Back to Silver Bella. It was the BEST YET! Great classes, fabulous teachers, happy friends, over-the-top decorations, and one really great speaker made for a super delicious inspiration pie.

I still have to finish up some of my projects before I do my official show and tell. As amazing as the projects were it doesn't quite tell the story of just how wonderful a time it was. It really was a fabulous homecoming. I met so many new friends...really wonderful connections that I will cherish. And I reconnected with true kindred spirits. 

This was my fourth year at Silver Bella and by far, the most wonderful. They've all been wonderful, surely, but this year everything just came together so well. Perfectly. I had an amazingly good time and I really can't wait for next year. There's no question that I'll be there...will you?

Look here for announcements for next year's Silver Bella.

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