Wednesday, February 3, 2010

valentine matchbox swap

Remember the boxes I sent out to my swap partners for Speckled Egg's Valentine Petite Inspiration Box Swap...

Well, here are the wonderful boxes full of goodies I got in return...

This stunning box was made by Jill
look at all the wonderful things much stuff that there was goodness overflow. I love the little shaker of red glitter and all the great ephemera. My favorite of all is the very sweet vintage box with "Directions" printed on it.

This beautiful box was from sweet Jana

Can you believe all this great stuff? My favorite is the little "Keep Calm and Carry On" charm that she made and the miniature fork.

This beauty was made by Crystal

Look at this sweet little Valentine girl she made!

What a very fun swap this was. It's amazing how much stuff you can put in a matchbox.

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