Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stitch Craft Create!

Guess what! I'm in this magazine!

I met Shannon Miller & Courtney Kyle at The Creative Connection last year. (We shared a table in Leslie's class) When they asked me to submit a project for their magazine, I was thrilled and honored. 

I submitted a project based on the very popular craft suitcase I outfitted last year... 

Isn't it sweet? It's the same idea as the one I made last year, only I show you an easier way to magnitize the panel for the circle containers. Plus, I share lots of tips and tricks for crafting on the go, including how to pack for a crafting event.

Stitch, Craft and Create also included a very nice profile of me. It makes me sound better than I am, but I'll take it!

Look for the Summer issue of Stitch, Craft and Create at your favorite magazine stand. And if they don't have it, tell them they should! You can also find it online here.

I was delighted to find my super sweet friends Jennifer Paganelli and Princess Lasertron in this issue too!

Feeling lucky today? Leave a comment and share a crafting-on-the-go tip and you'll enter to win a copy of the Summer issue of Stitch, Craft and Create! I'll pick a winner Monday, May 14 at 5:00pm EST. (and announce the winner shortly thereafter)

Want to improve your odds? Head on over to their blog to enter the chance to win 1 of the 3 copies they are giving away!

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