Monday, May 14, 2012

gone fishin'

We went this weekend to visit my family. We had a great time...Alfredo had a blast learning from Seth how to fish.

Seth is such a great teacher...we think he should open a little fishing school! He is such a remarkable sweet and generous. He was quick to say that Alfredo helped him reel in the "big one"...and gave Alfredo lots of praise, especially for catching a spot, which he, himself, an accomplished fisherman, had never caught.

so sweet...

The boys decided to get really dirty later in the day...

and poor Alfredo fell and cut his knee. I can't begin to tell you the time and patience it took to get him to wash all that mud away from that cut. Oh, that drama!

Mud and blood don't mix.

Rich and Alfredo tested out Rich's new kayak, a Christmas present from my brother Shawn.

Here's me and my darling mother...look at her sparkling blue eyes! Isn't she lovely?

What a nice little getaway this weekend was!

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