Friday, August 26, 2011

My Kind of "Wrapper"

OK, my mind is mush right now because I'm so incredibly happy that I actually have tears of joy! My sweet friend Wendy just sent me this incredibly thoughtful, generous birthday gift. Look at that beautiful wrapping! Wendy's gifts always arrive so pretty that you almost hate to open them. Once I had surgically removed the card, ribbons, and paintbrushes, look what awaited...
Freakin' out is putting it mildly. I can't believe that I am the happy owner of this book. What's even cooler is the fact that I saw quite a few of these illustrations and drawings in person at the Tim Burton NY exhibit last year. 430 pages of bliss and I'm going to get comfy and go read now.
Thank you so very, very much Wendy for one of the best birthday gifts EVER!

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