Monday, August 29, 2011

Sun-Shiny Day

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day

That Johnny Nash song is an instant mood elevator for me!
I had to cut the remaining sunflowers, since most of them were damaged by the strong rainstorm we had several weeks ago. Now, we can enjoy them for the rest of the week. It's easy to see why they are popular subjects for artists. Vincent took their beauty to another level.
*Cute cat in the background is sweet prince Roux

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy Bees

We had a very busy day yesterday. Chris and I headed to the annual Art on the Green in Hudson in the morning. What a bust! I was so hoping to find some cool garden art, but there was absolutely nothing that blew my skirt up. Not a total loss, we ended up buying Cameron some loaded potato perogies at the farmer's market across the square. They were delicious and you could smell the aroma of fried onions cooking from a distance. Yummy :)
Since there was zero art to be had, we decided to drive down to the Don Drumm gallery in Akron. You really need a few hours to absorb all of the artwork in there, but since we only had an hour, we managed to find this Halloween night light.
Since I'm old, we took an afternoon siesta before heading out to the Medina International Folk Festival. I was pleasantly surprised at the size and area of the show. It's located in a quaint historic downtown. The boys now have three performances under their happi coat belts!

Friday, August 26, 2011

batten down the hatches...

We're hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. We've got candles, bottled water, coloring books and games at the ready.

My Kind of "Wrapper"

OK, my mind is mush right now because I'm so incredibly happy that I actually have tears of joy! My sweet friend Wendy just sent me this incredibly thoughtful, generous birthday gift. Look at that beautiful wrapping! Wendy's gifts always arrive so pretty that you almost hate to open them. Once I had surgically removed the card, ribbons, and paintbrushes, look what awaited...
Freakin' out is putting it mildly. I can't believe that I am the happy owner of this book. What's even cooler is the fact that I saw quite a few of these illustrations and drawings in person at the Tim Burton NY exhibit last year. 430 pages of bliss and I'm going to get comfy and go read now.
Thank you so very, very much Wendy for one of the best birthday gifts EVER!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

in print...

The Summer Issue is now available in print! Click here to buy.

Here are some photos of the pages of the magazine in print...

I love this wreath that Lynda made!

Lots of gorgeous photos...

And guess what, fancy ipad users! I think I've found a way for you to buy the magazine. Click here and select "digital" to purchase the magazine to purchase for viewing on your ipad for $5.70. 


Where was I when the earthquake hit? Would you believe me if I said I don't know...

We were driving to the library and it must've happened just before we arrived. We didn't feel a thing. But the funny thing is because I had no idea we had just had an earthquake, when we walked into the library and crowds of people were clumped together, talking loudly, I thought to myself "What is wrong with these people? Don't they know they're in the library?!!" And then I wondered why the librarian looked at me so funny when I was all "business as usual" and reporting the accidental tears in the pages of Dino-Baseball that we mended and the missing page from Delilah (pre-existing). But then my phone started ringing off the hook and I heard the news.

It's a good thing we weren't home because lots of things fell from high places. When Rich came home, I tried to blame the extremely messy house on the quake but he didn't buy it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Velvet Pumpkins

These beautiful velvet pumpkins are by Plush Pumpkins by Monya. So many color choices and they do make for a stunning table setting. These pumpkins were featured in this year's Better Homes & Gardens Halloween Tricks and Treats. Visit the website to see all of the available colors and store locations.

Monday, August 22, 2011

listen to this...

And then listen to the archives...they are so wonderful and encouraging. I'm so happy to know about such an uplifting resource...and even happier to be a part of it. 

Hope you enjoy listening to my interview...listen closely and you'll hear my grumpy little boy waking from his nap!'s you! win the giveaway. Send me an email (amy (at) inspireco (dot) com) with your mailing address and we'll send you your issue of AUTUMN! Yay for you!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


The Better Homes & Gardens issue of Halloween Tricks & Treats is available! What a happy surprise ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Autumn with Matthew Mead

I can't wait to get my copy of Matthew Mead's Autumn issue...I just know it's going to be fabulous. Go here to score your own

or, perhaps you are feeling lucky? The folks over at Matthew Mead's studio are sending a copy to one of my lucky readers.

Leave a comment below sharing what you are most excited about as Fall approaches and you could win a copy of the beautiful Autumn issue of Matthew Mead's Holiday Magazine.

I'll draw a name on Monday morning, 10 AM EST.

As for me, I'm most excited about being just a little chilly. I'm so over this hot weather and sweating it out. I can't wait to pull out the leggings and sweaters and boots. Soon, I hope.

How about  you?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School Daze

I don't know who was in the bigger or the boys! It's hard getting back to an early rise schedule. Thank God for coffee. This year, Cameron begins his junior year and is armed with a driver's license. YIKES! Can't wait for the Friday night football games and we'll be enjoying the Twinsburg drumline. Cameron will be the section leader this year!
Cole starts fifth grade with one of the finest teachers in our district. Cameron also had Mrs. Spring as his 5th-6th grade looping teacher. Mrs. Spring is awesome and does incredible science projects with her students. Cole is very excited about school this year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coney Island

Anne was sweet enough to share a photo of her collection of my Halloween cones. What a festive display! Thanks for sharing :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

summer patchwork

I'm inspired by Pam to make a summery patchwork, like the one she shared in Inspired Ideas Summer issue...

But I didn't have a bunch of pretty vintage linens...until now!

Ironsea sells fat quarters of vintage linens! Isn't that perfect? Especially for me, since I get a little paralyzed about cutting old fabric. 

I bought a whole bunch and can't wait to cut them into little squares and sew them together, in neat (hopefully) rows. Look at this pretty piece! Jeni sells bundles of the hems of sheets...many of which are edged prettily with lace. 

Wish me luck...I'm not so great at sewing. 

To see how you too can make a wonderful summer patchwork, click here to subscribe to the Summer issue

a case of the gimmees...

I don't know what's gotten into me lately but I've got a big case of the gimmees. I think it happens this time every year and maybe it's left over from all those years in my childhood when we got new outfits for the new school year.

This is what I'm dreaming about today...

and this...

Aren't they lovely? I can just imagine pulling out a tube of lipstick and perhaps a hankie, checking my look in a compact. You know, all those things a handbag used to carry back in the day.

Found here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


In just about a month, Alfredo and I are packing our bags to go to Petaluma! 

It's perfect...he will go visit his family, who happen to live in Petaluma. And I will be going to Art is You...Petaluma! 

Perfection! We're so excited. Alfredo hasn't seen his papa since January and he really misses him. 

So, want to see what classes I signed up for?

First, I'm taking Shelly Massey's Play Time class...

Doesn't that look like fun? We'll be making art using a license plate as a base. 

Next up, I'll be making this wonderful thing...

It's a mechanical bird that really works! I can't wait! 

Then, I'll make this...

With Dee Foust. Super exciting!

And finally...

House of Blues...the class description got me with "You will learn sculpture, surface treatments and a trick with handmade paper that will change the way you do art."  Okay! Sounds fun to me!

Will you be there?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So I don't know how or when I first found Ren Cumming's Fairysteps...

But it was love at first site...

Each and every shoe is made by hand by Ren herself...

Have you ever seen such adorable shoes?

I can't tell you how many times I've almost bought a pair.

I do think I'll put a pair on my Christmas wish list.


That's a very good question.

very good...


(all photos from