Tuesday, May 24, 2011

House 8810

The other day Alfredo cuddled up to me on the sofa while I was stitching and declared "I want to stitch too!" I quickly put together a project for him to work on...With a fat Sharpie, I drew a quick picture of a house on a hill onto plain muslin fabric and put it in an embroidery hoop. I gave him a giant rather dull tapestry needle and threaded it with all 6 strands of embroidery floss. I knotted the ends together to make it easier for him (he couldn't pull the thread out of the needle if he tugged too hard). Unfortunately, I can't find the project now (it's hidden deep in his treasures somewhere!) But he did a great job and had so much fun stitching along with me.

It got me thinking about old fashioned lace cards and what a fun quiet craft they are...

And then I found these...

Aren't the wonderful? It would be fun to find some ready-made ones like these for a car trip or quiet time. But wouldn't it be fun to make your own? And wouldn't it be extra fun to take cool vintage illustrations and transfer them to fabric to make a step-up-from-lace-cards craft for kids.

So I found those cards at House 8810, a super cool online store. And just look what else I found...

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