Wednesday, May 18, 2011

gifts from the garden

I'm not a gardener. Not at all. But each Spring I get these fabulous gifts from the garden. The peonies were a bit beat up this year by all this heavy rain we've had. Some of these sweet beauties' branches were broken and they were hanging sadly. Others, heavy with rain, were dragging the ground. But can you believe their loveliness? I love them so much.

And these dainty little roses smell so amazing you wouldn't believe it. Peppery and light and wonderful.

Lots of fun friends are signing up for the swap. I hope you will too. I'm doing my best to match partners up.

And I'm so happy so many of you are buying the magazine. I'm really proud of it and I'm so pleased to share it with you. If you bought it, and you love it, will you help me spread the word?

Lastly, I've had a few questions asked many times and thought it would be a good idea to post the answers here too.

Each of the projects is available as a separate downloadable and printable pdf making it much easier to print out instructions and templates/patterns. The links for these downloadable/printable pdfs are listed in the index at the end of the magazine.

The other question is regarding a print copy of the magazine. It will be available but, due mainly to the size of this issue, it will be expensive. Look for details about the print edition here in the next few weeks.

Also I wanted to say that even though the theme of this issue is birthdays, the projects presented can be adapted for use in any celebration.

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