Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh Shelly O!

Shelley O. received her stitchalong kit just in time to take it with her on her anniversary celebration trip with her husband.

Here's a picture of the kit all ready to start on the plane trip out of town.

And next is a picture of her stitching along at Coronada Island...

Isn't that adorable? Thanks so much Shelley for letting me know how delighted you were with the kit!

To see more photos of Shelley stitching along while on vacation, click here.

And to buy your own stitchalong kit, click here.

I think I'm all set physically and mentally for my class renion tomorrow night. Did I tell you that it's going to be 5 classes at once? So my sister Jessica and my brother Shawn will also be there. That'll be fun. My strategy is to remember that people like to talk about themselves so I will conduct mini-interviews, be charming, and limit the drink intake to 2 for the night. (The last thing I want to do is have one too many and end up giving out table dances) Wish me luck!

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