Saturday, June 12, 2010

Art Sisters: Chapter 4

On Saturday morning, we started bright and early making some needlefelting projects with Vivian.

It was meant to be a bird in a nest but I liked them better separately.
After a little rest and relaxation (and shopping for some), we met up again in the afternoon to make this adorable bird mobile with Jenny.
Can you believe how cute it is?!
And then because we'd worked ourselves into a crafting frenzy, we continued crafting into the night. Jenny, Vivian and I each made a needlefelted bear. Jenny gave hers to Viv. I gave mine to Maija. And Vivian gave hers to me (above).
Here we all are, my art sisters and me. Seated in the front are Sandy and Maija. Standing in the back, from left to right, are Natalea, Jenny, Martha, Me, and Vivian. Art Sisters for Life! What an amazing weekend! Can't wait for next year!

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