We just finished making the treat bags...
here's my helper...

Here's how they turned out...

And here's what's in them...
Animal stamps: 25 cents each,
Animal Parachutes: 21 cents each,
Safari Cars: 42 cents each,
Animals: 48 cents each,
Lollipops, 40 cents each.

He's very excited about giving the treat bags out. I think what I'll do is put them in a basket and let him hand them out after he opens each present. I read online about the idea to put two chairs in the middle of the circle of children, one for the birthday boy and one for the person to sit in who gave the gift. I think for this age especially it will bring a nice order to that often chaotic part of the birthday party, helping him to really understand in a very visual way that this special person sitting beside you gave this wonderful thing to you. And then after he opens the present and says thank you, he can give them their treat bags. How does that sound?
There are lots of adults attending the party...family and friends. Maybe he can give grown ups lollipops with that tag that says "Thank you for coming to my party" on it.
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