Wednesday, January 27, 2010

got tape?

New to my Open Sky shop: Tapeswell decorative tape!

It can be used to decorate outgoing packages, sure...

And just look how stylish it makes a plain manilla envelope. I also really like to use this great tape on those free priority mailing boxes to add just a bit of zing.

But just check out some of these other creative uses...

{jazz up a ho-hum frame}

{make an ordinary lampshade shine!}

{transform plain scrapbooks into works of art}

{decorate a giftbox}

{make a dazzling centerpiece}
my favorite

Don't you love it all? And I know you'll think of a thousand more uses for it. It comes packaged in a sweet little canister and costs $9.99 for 27.5 yards ($6.99 if you want to skip the canister ).

Click here to order.

Let me know what you are going to do with yours, will ya?

all photos courtesy

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