Each person won a door prize...this is what I won!

Isn't it adorable? I love the little spool of thread chimney. I want to move in. It's made by Charlotte which makes me love it even more.
And Charlotte made each of us a little coffee cozy...

I think I'm going to convert it to a mug cozy since I almost never get coffee out.
On the train ride home, I did a little needlefelting...

Isn't this the cutest little bear? I'm so pleased with how he turned out...especially since he's from a kit with instructions completely in Japanese! The diagrams were enough for me to figure it out and it was so much fun. Heather told me about these great kits a few weeks ago and I snagged two right away.

Last night I made this one...

And I have mixed feeling about it. I think I made it a little bigger than I should've so it doesn't look as cute as it could be. The head is supposed to be more round but it kind of took on a life of its own. When I tried to fix it, I kind of messed it up.

But could his little teddy bear friend be any cuter?

Speaking of needlefelting, I just added a few needlefelting supplies to my Open Sky shop. My favorite tool is this needlefelting pen. For smallish areas it's perfect for working quick...and it seems safer than a single needle that comes with most kits.
Last night when I was drifting to sleep, I dreamed up a sweet little needlefelting project. It's very involved and who knows when I'll have the time for it. But sometimes you just have to make time when inspiration strikes, don't you think?
And if you'd like to exchange Valentines with Alfredo and me, send me an email to amy (@) inspireco.com along with your address. We'll send you our address and get started making yours.
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