Saturday, March 23, 2013

a homemade year

Look at this adorable craft apron I made! When I saw this project in Jerusalem's new book, A Homemade Year, I just had to make it. She offers it as a great party project for kids to make. Isn't that a great idea?

In her lovely new book, Jerusalem Greer invites you and your family to celebrate the year following the rhythm of the liturgical calendar. I love that idea! More than a collection of crafts and recipes, this book will serve as a guide for you. As Jerusalem shares her life experiences, the ups and downs alike, you'll see yourself and will be encouraged on your journey in faith. You, too, like me, will fall in love with Jerusalem's big open and beautiful heart. A Homemade Year is truly a treasure of a book, filled with captivating stories, amazing photos (taken by Jerusalem's sister Judea) and wonderful crafts and recipes to share with your family.

Good news, sweet friends: Use this coupon code: inspireco 
and pick up your own copy at an incredible discount (nearly 40% off)  

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