Friday, April 6, 2012

spring nesting...

I decided I needed all new pillows for my family room. This is the room we spend all our time in so the main quality we need is for it to be durable but cushy and soft. I love this pretty springy green so I picked up a few in different sizes...a huge one, two medium ones, and two bolsters. And I fell in love with this burlap LOVE pillow...

Look at Alfredo's sweet little head!

I think my next job will be to make fireplace better. I really can't stand's so builder-basic blah! Any ideas? Can I paint slate?

I rescued this school desk from a friend's trash. A fresh coat of spring green gave it new life and I used what was left of the chalkboard paint for the desktop. It needs another coat but I'm so happy with how it turned out. This'll be great for practicing letters this summer...can you believe kindergarten is in our near future?

Here's a shot of our living room...

I'm thinking of layering a larger sisal rug under the too-small circle rug. My friend Ashley, who is just starting her home styling business, gave me that great idea. This time of year always has me itching to change about you?

Alfredo's class had an Easter celebration this week and we had a blast making these:

Alfredo put himself in charge of nearly ever step...from the nest shaping to the egg placing. Didn't he do a great job?

Happy Easter, everybody!

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