Tuesday, April 3, 2012

our tiny hidden room

 It's yet to be installed. (I'm patiently waiting)

While I wait for a certain sweetheart of a man to install it, I thought I'd spiffy it up for springtime a little bit. I really love the "lived in" look for miniature spaces, don't you? (sources: spectacles, book, painting, wallpaper)

(sources: phone, slippers, ottoman and sofa are vintage finds, cupcake and plate made in miniature class taught by my friend Pat)

Below is the covergirl for last spring's issue...the lovely miniature Easter basket by Pat Wehmeier...

My sweet friend Rosalyn-Sue sent me this jar of candies (and a whole bunch of other bakery treats, plus a bakery counter and cash register) as part of a swap last year.

Speaking of swaps, the easel and two blank canvases were Pam's contribution to the last Club Little House. The other day, Alfredo and I made tiny paintings on the canvases using watercolors...

(the pink cupbard in the background was sweet Tammy Gilley's contribution to one of the Club Little House swaps)

And can you believe the detail of these itty bitty crayons and drawings? A fabulous etsy find.

I mean...just look how tiny! 

This miniature Lincoln Log set? Another fun kit from this source (same as elephant pull toy)

Doesn't it look like fun in there?

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