Sunday, December 18, 2011

donut snowmen!

Tomorrow is Alfredo's class Christmas party. Inspired by this and this and this and this, we just made these super cute snowmen...

Two small powdered donuts stacked in a clear plastic cup, with a bit of frosting between to make them more secure for transporting.

Orange tic-tac nose. Black decorator frosting for eyes...I used the tip of the tube to make indentations and then filled it with the frosting.

The hat was made from apple or peach rings topped with a gumdrop (with a bit of frosting between).

To assemble: Put a little frosting in the bottom of a cup, pop one donut down. Put a little frosting on that donut. Decorate a face on the side of another donut and stack it on top. Pop the hat on and your done. A scarf would be so sweet...maybe made of licorice rope?

One little boy in the class has a food allergy so we made his out of marshmallows...

Isn't he cute too?

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