Tuesday, June 28, 2011

birthday treasury swaps

Some of the Birthday Treasury shadowboxes from the swap are popping up on blogs and they are breathtaking...

Look at this fabulous shadowbox Debbi made for Heather of Speckled Egg...

Complete with hinged soldered glass doors. OMG...isn't it wonderful?

So many wonderful details!

Lynn created this masterpiece for her partner, Kristine. I love the tiny sewing machine!

Kate made this fun steampunkish creation...I love the little mirrors behind the horses...and the woman peering through the binoculars!

And Amanda created this fanciful shadowbox for her partner, Susan...so sweet! That bunny is adorable.

I can't wait to see more of these fun treasuries!

(Swappers, email me your photos (or a link to your blog) and I'll share them here. amy @ inspire co . com)

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