Wednesday, June 15, 2011

a visit to the farmer's market

Yesterday we visited a farmer's market close by and had a great time picking out fresh fruits. Alfredo is such a charmer and chatted everyone up, saying funny things like "I will like peas much more now that I'm so big!" And there was one stand with homemade chips and salsa. Alfredo really took a liking to them and declared loudly "I love these chips so much that I can't stop eating them!" Suddenly there was a line for them and I told the person that I'd be happy to hire him out on slow days. 

Is your mouth watering yet?

I bought this cherry pitter from Target and Alfredo loves it. It was a mess trying to get him to spit out the pit...this is much better. And a lot of fun to operate!

And how could I not get the peas after Alfredo's declaration? Aren't they lovely?

We also bought some sugar snap peas. I think Alfredo was responding to the "sugar" part of the name...he was a little surprised by the taste. Rich didn't seem to be a fan least not raw. I'll need to find a recipe for cooking them. Do you have one?

Hope you have a SWEET day!

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