Friday, December 10, 2010

busy days

Are you wondering what I've been up to? I didn't mean to disappear like that.

I've been teaching a class of 7th-grade girls how to make glitter houses. It's been so much fun! We'll finish them up next week and I'll be sure to take pictures of the houses (I won't be able to post a picture of the girls, of course, but you should see what a sweet group they are!)

And, like the rest of you I'm sure, I'm preparing for Christmas.

Alfredo and I made these little snowmen tins (an idea from my magazine designed by Swirly Designs)  A long time ago Catherine of Red Shoes used Stim-u-dents for snowmen noses (orange, pointy, perfect) and I thought I'd use them instead of toothpicks.

 These are just little gifties to pass out to friends who stop by. We've made 10 so far and this weekend I hope to make 10 more.
We filled them with this delicious candy.

I have another crafty gift I'm making...I'll show you next week. It's so fun!

I'm also working on a top secret project and it's taking everything I've got not to spill it. Truly. And it's such a happy surprise. I don't know when I'll be able to tell you but it's going to be a bit of a while. (I'm like a tea kettle about to whistle!)

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