Thursday, September 16, 2010

idea no. 1: decorated sugar cubes

My sweet friend Sasha Libby, aka Saucy, shares how she makes the most amazing decorated sugar cubes for autumn.

Won't they be so wonderful to plop into your afternoon tea? One lump or two, my dear?

And check out this fabulous idea Saucy has for packaging the decorated sugar cubes for gift giving...

She filled a jar halfway with a mixture of white table sugar that she added a couple of teaspoons of confetti sugar into. The confetti sugar was an "autumn mix" and you can find it with the cake decorating supplies at your grocery store. Having the layer of sugar in the bottom makes a stable little area for the sugar cubes to sit. You can slide them in place and they won't rattle and roll around in there too much.

On special occasions when Saucy was little, her mother added fancy confetti sugars that she found in Europe in beautiful pinks and blues and purples to regular white sugar. It was Saucy's job to stir the fancy sugar, can you imagine that? At Christmas now, Saucy adds red and green sugars into her white sugar. She jars it up and takes them as hostess gifts... people go crazy for it!

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