Friday, September 3, 2010


Alfredo got this fish for his birthday way back in January. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea because, well, what if he didn't live long. Fish don't typically live very long, right? That's been my experience.

I've done my best, feeding and changing water rather regularly. Lo and behold, here we are nine months later and he's doing great.

I decided to move him on up to the East side, in a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyYy.

He moved out of his ugly uninspired plastic bowl into this very lovely glass fishbowl. I think he likes it. In a couple of weeks, his new friends Snail One and Snail Two will move in too. They need some algae growth first.

For now, he seems to be digging his happy new home.

What's our fish's name? If you can guess, you'll get a gift.

p.s. Lots of interest in the skirt I was wearing a couple of posts ago. To be honest, I'm wearing that same skirt pretty much continuously these days. It's from Matilda Jane...I'm totally in love with this company. I'm hoping my friends at the cottage will host a trunk show.

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