Thursday, September 16, 2010

a word from our sponsors...

Thank you all so very much for your kind words about the magazine. It was indeed a lot of work and what fueled me through was the thought of you opening it and loving it. I'm so glad...that you love it.

It's free...isn't that nice? And do you know who helped make it free for you? My wonderful advertisers. They each took a chance with me, signing up to advertise in a publication that didn't even exist. And they helped cover the cost of the magazine so that I could give it to you free of cost. If you'd like to thank them, won't you skip on over to their sites?

Just look at what great things you'll find:
Charlotte just added a new series of new paintings. She personalized this one for Alfredo as a gift. I love her stitching projects too. Click on over to see.

Are you looking for all cotton rick rack to make the flowers featured in the magazine? Look at this vintage rick rack in orchid available at Primrose Design. While you're there be sure to check out her offering of vintage embroidery designs!

There are still a few spaces available at Silver Bella in Omaha this November. I'll be there...won't you come too? Click here.

Look at this amazing trim found over at Dishy Vintage? I'm thinking it would be so pretty as an embellishment to your embroidery project!

This kit from every jot and tittle looks so lovely to me...won't it make the sweetest little book?

I think this Halloween faux mirror, available over at Bayberry Cove, is a scream!

Saucy just whipped up some over-the-top fabulous Halloween themed charm bracelets...find them here.

Look at these fabulous composition appliques found over at Rachel and Pia's Cottage.

Linda offers fun kits like this one...check out her blog.

KokoNoelle offers beautiful handmade buttons in porcelain and special! This one's my favorite.

This coconut milk and honey lotion from Moonvine Organics sounds so lovely to me.

I own a bling cuff by Beth Quinn like this one and I love it. I get compliments whenever I wear it!

And be sure to check these friends and leave a comment:

Goodness Recycled

Lisa Super

Alexa Lett

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