Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the love dare

Rich and I watched the movie "Fireproof" last weekend. It was not a good movie in many ways*...the acting was obvious, the directing not good. And it wasn't enough that it starred my long ago heart-throb Kirk Cameron. Many times I felt like I was watching a film in health know what I mean.

But the message was beautiful.

Maybe I will suggest skipping the movie altogether and just buying either this book or this one. I bought two copies of "day by day", one each for Rich and me, and I'm really so excited about this.

We have a strong marriage but after 13 years it's easy to take one another for granted, right? I think this challenge will grow our commitment and love for one another and strengthen our faith in God.

What do you say, do you want to give it a try? I dare you!

*I didn't realize when I wrote this that the actors, directors, etc. were all amateurs. Given this, my criticism is a bit harsh. Thanks Sherri for filling me in on the details!

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