Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This is my very sweet mother. I wish you could meet her. Everyone who meets her falls instantly in love with her. And you can't believe the Southern drawl that pours from her. I should give you her phone number just so you could hear it for yourself. (I won't, of course!)

I talk to her on the phone just about every day. Sometimes it's a quick hello, goodbye. Other times we sit and talk for an hour or so. We talk about serious stuff and funny stuff and sometimes not really much of anything at all.

Happy Mother's Day, Momma! I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll be thinking of you all day, counting all the ways you are such a wonderful mother. Thank you for giving me life and then giving my life love.

To all the mothers out there, I hope you feel the love and appreciation of your children today. And to everyone else, call your mom! Yes, now!

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