Monday, May 24, 2010

a work in progress

I started this bird collage with an idea in mind but it didn't quite work out for that project. I'm going to finish it and either make it part of something else or maybe just make it a hoop-framed collage.

We're taking it easy this morning...hanging out in our pajamas and lounging about.

Here's a cute story: Last night Alfredo and I were playing "school bus". He was the driver and I was the door. He'd ask "who's next?" and I would name a little friend. When I said "Seth" he said "No, not Seth!" I was a bit surprised so I said "Why not Seth?" and he said "Seth is a 'growed-up'...this bus is for childrens!" Isn't that adorable? In his world, an 8-year-old is a 'growed-up'! 

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