Friday, May 6, 2011

the ick in sick

I see it all over blogdom...nearly every one of us seems to be under the weather these days. I've been fighting this latest bout for nearly two weeks. In between coughing fits and trying to work on the latest issue of the magazine (publication delayed slightly) and napping, I've been reading this delightful book: The Tower, The Zoo, and the Tortoise by Julia Stuart. (I also read The Matchmaker of Perigord and adored every sweet enticing bit.)

I've been reading it on my Kindle, which I totally adore. It really does feel just like reading a real book with pages. I even caught myself going to turn a paper page the other day. And this beautiful hardback cover makes the impression of reading a real book even more real.

I finally went to the doctor yesterday and am now patiently waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. I am truly so tired of being sick.

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