Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Birthday Treasury giveaway!

I'm so excited about the Birthday Treasury Swap! So many really wonderful friends have signed up and I've already started pairing them up.

Tim Holtz's Configurations boxes come like this. (I used the 6.75" x 8.75" size for the Birthday Treasury project featured in the Happy Birthday issue. Swappers can use any size.)

All of the boxes are separate so it's super easy to decorate and arrange the shadowbox. 

When creating my Birthday Treasury project, I primed all of the pieces with gesso and then painted the "frame" with a wash of blue paint. I lined the inside backs of all the small boxes with papers cut to fit. I cut more papers than I needed in an assortment of patterns and colors and "auditioned them" as my friend Charlotte says. This is a very good way to start designing the shadowbox. It helps it feel less like a blank slate. 

What's really fun about these Configurations boxes is that you can arrange the boxes however you like them. It's sort of like a jigsaw puzzle...but one with dozens of configurations. 

Even if you're not signing up for the swap, I know you'll love playing with these shadowboxes. And the fabulous & generous Tim Holtz sent us some to share with you. 

Leave a comment here with a special birthday-ish idea for the shadowbox and you will be entered to win one of four Configurations boxes. Drawing will be held Friday, May 20. 

(There will be 4 winners, each winning one Configurations box. The sizes available are 1 small square (5.5" x 5.5"), 1 medium rectangle like the one I used for the Birthday Treasury project (6.75" x 8.75"), 1 long rectangle (5.75" x 10.75"), and one super big one (8.75" x 10.75"))

Good luck! And a special thank you to Tim Holtz for this fun giveaway! 

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