Thursday, October 10, 2013

Vermont was lovely! and some other news...

I can't believe it's already been a week since I boarded a plane for our crafty getaway. It was so lovely...and, although the time moved nice and slow and we were able to savor every delicious moment, it's over and back to regular old life.

Well, not quite. Thanks to the government shut down, that sweetie pie Rich is home, repainting every room in the house. Poor Alfredo never wants to go to school anymore...I suppose he imagines us having a party without him everyday.

Meanwhile, there IS a party going on over at my Big Picture Class, Craft Happy! I hope you're not missing it. (You can sneak in if you hurry! but hurry!)

And, just in case you need something to sweeten the deal, did you know I'm doing giveaways in the class? And some really, really, really good ones. For instance, today's giveaway:

Doesn't that make you want to PLAY? Me, too!
A great big thank you to my friends over at EKSuccess for providing this fabulous giveaway prize.
p.s. Maybe you can tell from all my square photos that I have finally jumped on to the Instagram fun wagon. Follow me: @amykpowers and be sure to check out #craftygetaway and #meleenandcharlottesvermontgetaway

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