Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lords & Ladies

I like my themed dinners with our Sunday shows.  With Downton Abbey's start two weeks ago, the first dinner was Bangers & Mash and tonight it was Beef Pasties.  I know pasties are Celtic, but if it's on the traditional British recipes websites, it's fair game.  Chris and I enjoyed a delicious New Castle beer tonight and I'm not a big beer fan.  I have to say that the Sticky Fingers scone mixes are good.  Week one was raspberry white chocolate scones and tonight we are trying the cranberry version.  I ordered the wild blueberry ones today, so a review will be coming next Sunday.  We've been enjoying lemon curd with the scones and crumpets, which by the way, Trader Joe's makes a good crumpet.  

I have to say if you're a huge Downton Abbey fan, don't go clicking links about the show.  I unfortunately landed right on a huge spoiler and it bummed me out!!!  I'm excited that my son Cameron has started watching the show.  His girlfriend is a huge fan too, and it's about time he starts watching! He's just beginning season two and it would be nice to be able to watch the season 3 with him :)

Happy watching!

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