Monday, January 14, 2013

Angry Bird Birthday

Wow...what a fun party we had! It was so crazy that I didn't get many photos. And some things didn't go exactly as planned. For instance, the Angry Bird game didn't really get organized. Some kids played with the big red ball and others with the big "blocks"...

There was also a bouncy house that was super popular.
I'm really kicking myself for not getting any photos of this but we had a guy put on a big pig mask and run through the field while the children threw Angry Bird plushies at him. I think it was the biggest hit of the party. I hope someone took pictures of was hilarious.
After the field part, we went to the party room.
Nests filled with spray-painted Easter eggs and feathers and paper Angry Birds on skewers made quick and easy table decorations.

I printed coloring pages onto 11" x 14" bristol board. This kept them busy while they waited for their cupcakes, this kept them busy. 
We had a little ice cream sundae bar and had just a few children fill their ice cream bowls at a time.

And just feast your eyes on these unbelievable cupcakes and cake that my friend Caryn made for us...

So much fun!
I have one more thing to show you from the party and then we are on to the next big thing...a trip to California!
Alfredo's actual birthday is tomorrow. He is so excited to be 6. What a sweet blessing he is to us.

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