Monday, December 3, 2012

house of joy class

I had such a great time making this house in the class Pam and Eileen taught together on Saturday. The house is from a die that Eileen designed for Sizzix. (Unfortunately, the die has been discontinued but it can probably still be found out there somewhere. Sizzix is constantly adding new products to their lines so older designs are frequently discontinued.) I love Eileen's style and can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve in the way of new designs.


Pam's part of the class was to help us embrace our own handwriting, in doodle form, and add that to our house. Truth be told, going into the class, I was certain that I would not be writing on my house. (I really don't like my handwriting.) But with Pam's guidance and gentle encouragement, I was soon getting the hang of it. And I liked what I did! As Pam says, practice, practice, practice! I'll keep at it and make my doodle script even better. If you ever have a chance to take a class with Pam, I really encourage you to do so.  Eileen, too! In fact, I'll probably see you there!


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