Thursday, December 13, 2012

a few of my favorite things...

I think everyone has favorite pieces that they look forward to seeing every year as they deck their are some of mine.

I love this old shoe stuffed with goodies. I bought it years and years ago at a local craft fair and, as we were just starting out, it was a bit of a splurge. I'm so glad I bought is my favorite!

Another cherished item, this limited edition Santa by Nicol Sayre was a gift from my Debbie's mom years ago. He is so sweet and simple...and I love that he's holding a little doll. 

This started out as an ornament tree from Rachel Ashwell, purchased many seasons ago from Target. (I think it was the same year as her first release there!) Unfortunately, it wasn't packed away properly once and many of the ornaments broke. This year, I decided to add some of my vintage ones and I love how it turned out! I added a fabulous vintage Christmas corsage to the top...isn't that a lovely spot for it?
Show us a few of your favorite things! Do a blog post on them and link it up in the comments! It'll be fun to take a tour of them. 

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