Monday, September 19, 2011

the creative connection

I just had the best creative weekend of my life. Seriously.

{& I have a bit of an inspiration hangover.}

If you were there {at The Creative Connection} then I know you'll agree it was the most








weekend ever.

I loved meeting so many very special new people. And I am so happy to have reconnected with so many fabulous old friends. It was just the right recipe of learning new stuff, chatting with people, hearing great stories, and making fun stuff.

Kudos to Jo & her awesome team of movers and shakers. It was like watching an olympic figure skater...she made it all look so superbly easy but we all know how much work went behind every single detail. A special thank you to everyone on her team for caring enough about me and my fellow connector to make every detail important. I felt the love in each of them.

And if you weren't there, you should've been.

I'll tell you what to do...go on over to Janine's fabulous place and check out the slide show she made of the images from The Creative Connection. It makes me smile to see those images she captured of the magic of the weekend.

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