Monday, March 28, 2011

it was fabulous

Thank you for all your nice birthday wishes. It was a really wonderful day...week....month!

I'm keeping super busy trying to get this Happy Birthday issue is going to be HUGE. And Wonderful. I can't wait to share it with you.

Alfredo is growing so fast. I need to make a movie to show you because you just won't believe it. And he's saying the most incredible things. Today, he called the grocery cart "a trolley" which is so sweet, isn't it? He picked it up from Peppa Pig, our most favorite show. I just went along with it and called it a trolley too for the rest of the trip and even feigned a little British accent to make the grocery shopping even more fun. In the spirit of that, I bought some devonshire cream just for the hey.

And just in case you're putting together that picture in your mind, be sure to include the fact that I forgot completely to put even a little bit of makeup on this morning. So be sure to picture me extra tired looking with dark circles under my un-masked eyes.

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