Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I'm busy working away on super cute things for the birthday issue. That's me up there on my fifth birthday. It's a detail of something for the magazine that turned out so wonderfully I really can't wait to show you.

I'm working all the time in my freshly cleaned craft room and really enjoying it. Alfredo has a few toys in here and I think he likes being in here too. The best part is that when we spend all our days in this room, the rest of the house stays fairly clean. Except my kitchen sink.

My birthday is coming up in less than two weeks. I am going to be 40 years old. That number amazes me. Just like a 4 year old would declare her age to everyone who'll here, I'm doing the same. When my mother turned 70, she told everyone "I'm 70 years old!" expecting everyone to say "No way! You don't look a day over 50..." Instead everyone just nodded in agreement.

My parents, by the way, are doing great. My father goes tomorrow for a check up and he's fully prepared to hear the news that his cast will come off. We'll see. My mother is great, as always.

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