Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy Place During the Holidays

Today, three of the Beason boys and I headed to one of my favorite happy places- Suncrest Gardens.  This weekend is their holiday open house and these photos are just a few of the beautiful displays that are adorning the shop.  They do a fantastic job with their dreamy displays.

Beautiful succulent centerpiece.  Love the color combination.

I'll take one of everything!

One of the many festive Christmas trees.

The lit cardboard houses always remind me of my mom.

A vintage-inspired tree

A tree for those who give into their wanderlust.

This tree was in the greenhouse section and it was perfect for the constant gardener.  It had the cutest bee, beehive, fruit, and veggie glass ornaments.  I think Chris would have my head on a candy cane if I did another themed tree!  It was very cute.

We headed to the Don Drumm Gallery's holiday open house right after, but it was so crowded that we didn't stay long.  Now if we had some snowfall, it would have been the perfect Christmas mood day.

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