Monday, October 28, 2013

A Seaside Affair

Tonight was our annual Halloween themed dinner.  My fascination with the Creature from the Black Lagoon inspired tonight's feast.  The only scary food was the dessert and the possible zucchini skulls on the salad.  I've always wanted to try black fettucini, but no luck finding it locally.  If purchased online, I could have had a bag for the mere price of $17 a bag!  No thanks.  I found an organic black bean spaghetti that worked, but needed extra sauce since it was fairly dry.  The boys ate it without complaint, so I guess it wasn't too bad.  The shrimp was cooked quickly in a balsamic reduction glaze and I threw in some capers for good measure.

Ah, the dessert.  Having worked with paperclay for many years, I thought molding marzipan would be a snap.  Wrong.  It was harder than expected and I have a new respect for the intricate marzipan creations found in the better candy shops.  I also have stained pink hands at the moment.  Side note- Pure Florida Cane Sugar works beautifully as simulated beach sand.  Looks exactly like it. 

Chris carved the Creature from the Black Lagoon pumpkin on a sage-colored pumpkin for our centerpiece and some Halloween music played in the background.  Thinking about it now, some soft ocean music would have been cool.

Three more days until Halloween!!!

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