Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Craft Happy

I can't believe it is almost time for my online craft workshop, Craft Happy, to start! Next week!

Here's a sneak peek at a couple of the fun projects we'll make. I'm especially crazy about the coffee cozy. I think I've told you before I'm not great on my sewing machine...but let me tell you, I was cranking these out. Just looking at it here again makes me want to make more. Super fun! And, hello? Fabulous gift! Just perfect for a Pumpkin Spice Latte for your bestie.

So, I'll start off by showing you how to make your own stop motion movie. It is so simple. Blow your friends away with an animated greeting that you made. And then, every week, I'll share another project with you. Plus, just before each holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) you'll get a bonus project. Also, just for fun, you'll get a little creativity exercise each week...just a little something to add a little creative joy to your day.
The very best part of Big Picture Classes is the community. Really amazing...and instant friends! We are going to have so much fun...and it will be like you are a part of a secret crafting gang, The Craft Happy Club. Yeah!
Lucky you! You can now sign up for the class and save $15. Just use the code HAPPYHAPPY at checkout (code expires October 1). So, go ahead and sign up here. And wait, there's more! To sweeten the deal, you can get my other Big Picture Class, Happy Go Lucky Stitchalong, for FREE! Purchase it separately here using the code CRAFTGIRL and it is yours. Save a total of $30! 

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